Lindelani Mnisi

My spirit animal

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The strangest thing happened to me. For the past few weeks, whenever i tried to meditate, or even sometimes just closed my eyes. A brown wolf would attack me. I would see it vividly launch at me, but i never felt pain. So i finally took a quiz on what my spirit animal and boom, it's a wolf and now it isnt attacking me that much. So my element is air and my animal is a wolf

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Can you give a link to that test, I want to know mine :lol:


For a very long time I had dreams about giant wolf dogs attacking me

It started when I had a nightmare about a crazy guy torturing me and my classmates in a weird wooden house that didn't have walls on one side

Instead of being scared into waking up, I somehow time traveled to the beginning of the dream

Dream was taking place at night and to avoid the house I went to a garden that was behind it

In the dark I saw some eyes running towards me and when they got me, I woke up

The description matched one of these nightmare dogs from folklore

For the longest time since then I had nightmares about these dogs, it stopped when in one dream I saw one of these dogs chained to a house, like a guard dog

I usually had some other kids who were also scared of the dog with me and they were talking about that dog there

For some reason I decided to come over and pet it, kids started freaking out

But I petted the dog anyway and then woke up just fine

Since then dogs were kinda helpful and I didn't have that many dreams

When they would show up again they would talk sometimes

One time there was a super scary dog who was bark-saying something

I subdued it and it turned into a person, and he said, "OK you win..."

Then with the nightmarish dog voice said "BUT WAKE UP, IT'S MORNING ALREADY" :lol:

Latest dog dream was about a super scary looking dog chasing some children

It had some puppies with it and when it saw me, it just looked at me

I wish I could draw better so I could just show how creepy and scary it was

It ignored me then and went along

And so after some time I solved the mystery, I think

When I was a baby my family used to spend a lot of time at my grandma's place

The setting for the first nightmare looked like my grandma's place but the house without a wall was different from grandma's, the garden was the same tho

And at that time... my grandma had a puppy... a little black puppy that liked to chase me...

I was told that I was so scared of it that I even climbed on the couch somehow

The puppy lived with my grandma for a long time but he's dead now

Being chased by dogs in the dreams was a learning experience... lol

It kinda changed how I dealt with conflicts since I petted that dog

For example, when I was in school around 6th grade we had permanent classes

Like, one group of kids would go to same classes together and so we had a separate room for us and teachers would come to our room to teach

Next to us was this insane group of children who some of my classmates hated

On a spring break, or something I forgot, school organized a vacation thing where who wanted to go on a vacation with their classmates had to pay some money and they would send a part of the school to Poland on vacation, yay

The most crazies went and from my class only one other girl went

I just befriended them on vacation and there was no fighting since none of my classmates were there

What sucked was, when I came back they went into an argument again and both sides wanted me to resolve it, I couldn't do anything :lol:

I just became friends with these guys, and on the side of my class were mostly girls

They had to think themselves who should stop throwing oranges first :rolleyes:



eh, it's so good to just ramble

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The strangest thing happened to me. For the past few weeks, whenever i tried to meditate, or even sometimes just closed my eyes. A brown wolf would attack me.


Totems guide...


Do me a favor, please?

[You added me as a Friend,,, so let me be a friend]

Check out this link - if you like it, try it... ok?




Edited by Disabled Not Broken

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The white light thing... not too sure of


I agree with the guide v attack... strange


I tend to just attack things that attack me haha


Zen Warrior / haha

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eh, it's so good to just ramble

Ive been told that all the characters in our dreams are aspects of ourselves

symbolically represented, and so the best person to analyse dreams is ourself.

If we can accept the verdicts.


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The white light thing... not too sure of


I agree with the guide v attack... strange


I tend to just attack things that attack me haha


Zen Warrior / haha


I thought it was zazen that attacked things that attacked zazen.


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I thought it was zazen that attacked things that attacked zazen.



Same difference? :P


I think I am maybe... reading this wrong.


The other being sarcasm? haha :P

Edited by White Wolf Running On Air

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Same difference? :P


I think I am maybe... reading this wrong.


The other being sarcasm? haha :P

just a little twisted humor ;)

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Well i tried it and it felt nice, but i am more itchy than usuall, especially my testicles/scrotum. But than again, i'm always itchy during meditation. Is that a good thing?

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Well i tried it and it felt nice, but i am more itchy than usuall, especially my testicles/scrotum. But than again, i'm always itchy during meditation. Is that a good thing?


That is energy, at your root/base. It is the important foundation - which is where it is supposed to start at... [and not, at the 3rd eye lol]

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The strangest thing happened to me. For the past few weeks, whenever i tried to meditate, or even sometimes just closed my eyes. A brown wolf would attack me. I would see it vividly launch at me, but i never felt pain. So i finally took a quiz on what my spirit animal and boom, it's a wolf and now it isnt attacking me that much. So my element is air and my animal is a wolf




Things are not static, and generally not singular either. So don't overly fixate on being 'air' etc, it might be a dominant aspect but it won't be the only factor, and you have to be open to change and fluctuation.


Wolf is a good friend, guide, teacher. And can be playful, when they want attention they'll certainly make it known as you found out hahaha. There are many types read up on them (personally I prefer to simply read about the animal itself and not random new age 'spirit' animal stuff written by god knows who) and spend time with your new friend, which is a good way to treat them IMO. Also looking into the mythology surrounding Wolf from your blood/cultural background can be quite interesting.


Get a chance go visit a sanctuary, or park (no idea wher you live or what would be available in your country). One of the main differences of this kind of thing, is when it simply happens as you describe above, rather then is sought with guided meditations to find your "inner power animal" which generally leads to wishful thinking and delusion from what I've seen.



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Itchy sensation = Energy


If you have a cut on your skin--- it starts to itch when it heals




Google- Microcosmic Orbit-- maybe...start doing that?



Wow, that's awesome and true. This is making more and more sense, thanx

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